If you're reading this, I miss you. Read updates about my experience as a Peace Corps Volunteer here, and please send me email updates about your life. Also, add me on Skype so I can see your cute face. Feel free to leave comments!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Skype Dates & Care Packages - UPDATED

Skype: If you want to skype, we need to arrange a time in advance as the internet café is about an hour away, and we have to be done by 10am EST so that I have plenty of time to get home before dusk. Unfortunately, the café is closed on weekends. I usually find out my schedule the weekend before, but if you have a stricter schedule, let me know in advance about any holidays, and I’ll try my best. Can't wait to see your cute face!

Care Packages: Please don’t feel like you have to send care packages, messages and emails are all I ask for. If you really want to though, here’s some information for you.


Megan Lawless, PCV

C.P. 85
Xai Xai, Mozambique

Wish List

-Drink packets! (Wyeler’s lemonade and pink lemonade, Ocean Spray, Gatorade)

-Books: You don’t have to buy anything, but any books you’re done with and want to pass along would be appreciated. Let me know if you want it returned eventually. You also might want to check with me if I’ve read it since I’ve been reading a lot here.

-Mix CDs, especially with new music. The music on my iPod is getting real old.

-Quaker Oats Chewy Granola Bars - chocolate chip

-New movies/tv episodes: Don’t buy anything, but if you understand technology better than me and can burn things onto CDs, that would be awesome.

-Candy: Things that won’t melt. Skittles, starbust, airheads, and sour patch kids have survived. Jolly ranchers, and gummy worms have melted (I'll still eat them, of course). Nothing chocolate. Individual packets, Halloween-style, are great because I can ration it.

-Coloring books (no markers, though, I have plenty) and simple games to bribe kids to hang out with me. Examples of games I have that work well: animal bingo, barrel of monkeys, puzzle map of the U.S.

-Goya rice packets (primavera, black beans, and red beans) are great for busy days when I don't have time to cook.

-Trashy magazines: I would shamelessly welcome tabloids or Cosmo; they're a nice escape.

Thanks in advance! Things have been taking even longer to arrive now that I'm at site, but I'll let you know when I receive anything!

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